Right of reply to the report of the NGO MilieuDefensie of February 10, 2023

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  3. Right of reply to the report of the NGO MilieuDefensie of February 10, 2023

The Dutch NGO Milieudefensie has made allegations against Maryland Oil Palm Plantation (MOPP) in its report entitled « Wilmar and financiers exposes to conflict palm oil in Liberia » and published on February 10, 2023.

SIFCA Group provides the following answers and clarifications.

About Maryland Oil Palm (MOPP)

Since February 2011 MOPP signed a 25-year Concession Agreement with the Government of Liberia to rehabilitate and develop 8800 ha of the already existing Decoris Oil Palm and Libsuco sugar plantations located in Pleebo Sodoken District. A concession agreement was drawn with the Government of Liberia to replace the old palms and sugar canes with new variety of palms. In all acquisitions (including Wlowein), the company has engaged the communities in the entire process of land demarcation, participatory mapping, crop renumeration and crop compensation. All the FPIC verifiers are available.

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Fondé en 1964, SIFCA est un groupe agro-industriel ivoirien spécialisé dans trois domaines porteurs de l’économie africaine que sont, le palmier à huile, le sucre de canne etle caoutchouc naturel.